What do you want to know about Hypnotherapy and
Neuro Lingustic Programming?


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  • Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation and a process of active imagination. It's a gentle, safe, natural and powerful therapy which is capable of creating positive life changes on many levels.

  • Imagine your unconscious mind as a vast storage room holding everything you've ever experienced, learned, or believed. It's the part of your brain where all your memories, habits, values, and automatic responses live. When you're not actively thinking about something, it's hanging out in your unconscious mind.

    Your unconscious mind is in charge of all those automatic body functions you don't think about, like blinking, breathing, or reacting instinctively when something startles you. These responses happen without conscious effort. This includes things like physical healing, blood circulation, and other autonomic processes.

    Sometimes, people develop psychological issues that come with physical responses, like blushing, sweating, or phobias. These aren't things we choose to do—they happen automatically because of the unconscious mind. That's why addressing these issues often means working with the unconscious.

    When you excel at something, whether it's a sport, a skill, or even building confidence, it's your unconscious mind that's running the show. This makes it feel almost effortless because your unconscious has mastered it.

    To influence our behaviors, reactions, and performance, we need to communicate with and update our unconscious mind. Hypnosis is a powerful way to do this. By entering a hypnotic state, we can deliberately make changes to these deep-seated processes, helping us overcome challenges and enhance our abilities.

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